It's a new installment to the Nail Whitening Saga! After my dissapointment with Orly's Cutiqe (as a whitener, mind you. As a cuticle softener it's great) I decided I'd resort to my most preferred method of remedies - The at home kind xD
I'd heard from several different websites the miracles of denture whitening tablets for nail whitening. Having also read they work as a jewelry cleaner I finally decided to go grab me a box. What were my findings?
Naked nails and results after the jump!
*Lightening strikes, wolves howl, a woman shrieks in horror in the distance* |
My before picture. If my nails look whiter from the last whitening post - That's because they are. I was so excited to try this I did my first treatment in the dead of night, which is a terrible time to take pictures. Especially when your photography lighting source is the sun.
I filled a bowl large enough to fit all ten of my fingertips comfortablly with enough warm water to just come to the first joint and plunked five tablets into it. Counted to thirty to give the tablets time to fizz then dipped my digits in there...And waited. And waited. And waited.
Thirty minutes later I pulled them out and took a soft toothbrush to them while they were still covered in residual froth. When I rinsed them off and got a good look a them I was happy to see they were actually whiter! Dried out from having soaked in water for thirty minutes but whiter!
So, the next morning I grabbed my camera and repeated the process so I could share this with you, and see if I could get more results. Drumroll please?
In the time it took for my nails to dry after the soak (they go transparent when they get wet) the sun came out so the whole image is brighter. Sorry about that. Though they are visibly whiter, even with the ironic showing of the sun! At this rate my nails will be back to looking like those of a human's in no time. And considering I got a box of thirty six tablets for a little over two and a half bucks? I couldn't be happier!
I personally used Efferdent Plus (sorry for no fancy with-product hand poses, had a brain-fart), I think any whitening denture tablet would work, even those at the dollar store. As long as it's a effervescing tablet, and the word Whitening is on the box.
So do I suggest enduring the funny looks from the store clerk to use denture tablets to whiten your nails?
And while your at it, tell the clerk about it too! Who doesn't want whiter nails?
'Til next time!
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